Welcome to Tenshinkai Aikido Edmonton

We are an Aikido dojo in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Our head instructor is Huu Tran Sensei, who in 1969 began his practice of Aikido in Vietnam under Phong Thong Dang Sensei.


Aikido does not rely on muscular strength, physical fitness, or flexibility. Persons of any age, gender, or physical ability are welcome to train at our dojo.


We strive to cultivate a training atmosphere that is warm and open.  One can expect to develop friendships on and off the mats with their fellow students.  Instructors and senior students are constantly present to personally guide students in their practice.  We are dedicated to maintaining our dojo as a safe and friendly environment to practice in.


Tenshinkai Aikido Edmonton is a member of the International Tenshinkai Aikido Federation, which in turn falls under the jurisdiction of the Aikikai Foundation – Aikido World Headquarters.
Black belt degrees are ratified by the Aikikai Foundation in Tokyo, Japan through the International Tenshinkai Aikido Federation, headquartered in Westminster, California.